1. Participation in Náboj Junior
Náboj Junior is a competition designed primarily for teams consisting of students of Key stage 4. The difficulty of the problem set is adjusted for those students. Teams must consist of at most four members. All members of the team must be from the same school.
2. Registration
Teachers can enroll the teams for participation through the competition website until the registration end date or until the full capacity is reached, whichever comes first. All necessary information on the dates, numbers of registered teams and overall competitor capacity is available on the respective website. This year there is no limit for the number of teams registered by the school.
3. The competition start
The contestants can participate from anywhere, the only necessary conditions are device with an internet connection and a stable internet connection. The organizers will not be held liable for any damage caused by a poor internet connection on the side of contestants. The members of the team are in a single room on the school premises if the restrictions allow it. We ask all contestants to adhere to all health measures effective in their location during the competition. Each registered team will receive two emails: a week and a day before the competition, respectively. These emails will contain login information necessary to enter the competition interface where the team will be able to access the problems and submit their solutions. At the beginning of the competition the team will receive first six problems.
4. Solving and submitting the problems
The Contestants work on any of the six problems they have; the solution is a single number (in the case of a fraction, the result is a decimal number). As soon as the team concludes that their result to a problem is correct, they submit it through the competition interface. If the solution is correct, they will be notified and a new problem will unlock. The number of submissions to a given problem is unlimited, however, after submitting an incorrect answer the problem will be blocked and the team will have to wait n minutes (where n is the number of incorrect answers for that problem) to be able to re-submit the solution. That means after submitting an incorrect answer for the first time, the team has to wait one minute, after another incorrect try the team has to wait two minutes, …). Submitting an incorrect solution for one problem does not influence other problems.
5 minutes before the end of the competition all blocked problems will be released, which means the team can submit each problem at least once. Blocking problems after this release is in accordance with rules applicable during the whole competition.5. The end of the competition
The competition lasts two hours. After that time has passed, it will no longer be possible to submit any solutions in the competition interface. Immediately after the competition ends and before the results are announced, it will be possible to send any potential complaints to info-sk@junior.naboj.org.
6. The winner
n The local team that solved the highest number of problems wins. Should several teams solve the same number of problems, the winner is determined on the basis of the highest ordinal number of problems solved. If two or more teams have the number equal, the second highest ordinal number of the problems solved determines the winner, etc. In case of teams having the same set of problems solved, the winning order is determined depending on the time of submitting the solutions. If this time is equal, the order is determined depending on the time of submitting the last but one problem etc. The same method is applied to determine the order of the rest of the teams. The same principles are used when determining the national and international results.
7. Permitted tools
It is permitted to use common tools for writing and geometry sets. Each team will receive a pdf file with all the necessary formulas and constants. This pdf will be available online in our system. It is forbidden to use any other electronic or communication devices (i.e., calculator, laptop, phone) or other sources of information such as internet, books or hand-written notes. Nonetheless, it is not allowed to receive help from people not participating in the competition. Furthermore, any communication or cooperation between different teams during the competition is strictly forbidden. These rules will be enforced by your teacher.
8. Statute of the rules
The contestants are expected to compete honestly and to comply with the rules. These rules are obligatory for all teams participating in the competition Náboj Online. By its registration the team confirms that they have read and understood the rules, and that they will comply with them during the competition. Failure to comply with the rules may result in disqualifying the team.